The Watertite 'Smart Flow' Valve

This patented valve is situated next to the municipal water metre. Its novel design allows the authorities to restrict, open or close the flow of municipal water into individual households. It can also be adjusted to both Hi-Flow and Low-Flow settings, depending on the municipality’s  specifications.

To do this, the Watertite valve can be set to:

OPEN:     So households can receive as much water as they want
RESTRICT:    To control the flow of water to households at precisely 200 litres a day
  (or 6kl per month)
CLOSE:     To turn off water supply (in the event of non-payment of bills)


Technical Information

15mm and 20mm. 
Available in: 
(PPH) Polypropylene
To control the flow of water running through the municipal feed, into a home. It will allow for a Minimum of 200L /day = 6KL /month to consumers.

Easy to install, and once installed it becomes a permanent installation. This will protect the system against leakage dew to wear and tear. Will save you, the municipality on LABOUR, TIME andMONEY. It is SELF – CLEANING. Can be manufactured to deliver more water if requested by councils. The Smart Flow Valve has a 10 YEAR track record of SERVICE and QUALITY.

Setting the valve is done by a simple turn of a MASTER KEY without having to remove the valve. The valve is EFFECTIVEACCURATEROBUST and TAMPERPROOF.